Every company wants to achieve profits, whether through significant growth, business scale, or market share. This includes mining companies. Therefore, several strategic steps are taken to increase business efficiency without sacrificing quality. Fortunately, the era of digitalization makes this very possible, one of which is by implementing smart mining.
Smart mining, or ‘Smart Mining,’ is a concept of mining business operations that utilize technology. For a clearer understanding, please read the following information!
What is Smart Mining?
Smart Mining is the operational process of mining that utilizes integrated technology. This is demonstrated by the application of various technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, and Big Data.
Through this approach, mining companies can more easily obtain real-time and forecasted data, which is essential as the basis for strategic decisions to advance their business.
Objectives of Smart Mining
Broadly speaking, the goal of using this is to assist mining business operations. The implementation of smart mining is expected to:
1. Increase productivity
2. Improve efficiency, especially in terms of operational costs
3. Enhance workplace safety
4.Maintain environmental sustainability
5. In terms of human resources, technology applications like this can maximize the potential of the workforce, resulting in improved product quality.
Arkana’s Smart Mining Solution
PT Arkana Integrasi Nusantara is a company focused on Enterprise Software Development for the mining industry. We have more than a decade of experience in handling supply chain projects for several large mining companies, both domestically and internationally.
One of the solutions we offer is the SMCS (Smart Mining Control System). Supported by integrated AI, IoT, machine learning, and big data technologies, we have designed it to streamline various sectors of your mining business operations.
Arkana Integrasi consists of several modules for this application, including:
1. Modelling Management
Modelling Management covers:
~Operation area
~Mine pit
~Port location
~Flow process
2. Production Management
Production Management covers:
~Loading and unloading
~Equipment timesheet
3. Stockpile Management
Stockpile Management covers:
~Incoming and outgoing
~Stock survey
~Stockpile state
4. Planning Management
Planning Management covers:
~Production plan
~Sales plan
~Blending plan
~Shipment plan
5. Contract Management
Contract Management covers:
~Advanced contracts for services
~Complex formulation
~Sales contracts
6. Accounting Management
Accounting Management covers:
~COA (Chart of Accounts)
~Operation COA mapping
~Sales invoices
7. Sales Marketing
Sales Marketing covers:
~Shipping documents
~Dispatch demurrage
8. Quality & Material
Quality & Material covers:
~Product specifications
~Analytes and templates
~Assay results
~Certificate of analysis
10. Integration Hub
Integration Hub covers:
~Operation area
~Mine pit
~Flow for hauling
11. Command Center
Command Center services include:
~Production and sales board
~Fleet management
~Long hauling monitoring
~Shipment monitoring